Punto System Group

Privacy policy at the sense of the D.lgs 196/2003 and the art.13 of the European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR)


In this page are described the modes and the logic behind the treatment of the personal data of the users that visit the website puntosystmgroup.com (as follows, only the site).

In this page are described the modes and the logic behind the treatment of the personal data of the users that visit the website puntosystmgroup.com (as follows, only the site).

The validity of the policy contained in this following page is limited to the only website and doesn’t not include the other websites that may be consulted through an ipetext link.


The data controller is:

Punto System SPA

Legal rappresentative Tiziano Gorgò

Legal headquarters Via Meloni di Quartirolo, 8 – 41012 CARPI (MO) Italia

E-mail: info@puntosystemgroup.com


The agreement

Using the website, the user gives their consent to the gathering, the using and the communication of their personal data to the legal representative following the present privacy policy. If you do not consent to this, please do not visit the website nor give the information to the company in other ways.

The legal representative will limit themselves in just gathering, using and communicating your personal data in the full respect of the law. In the majority of cases, we ask you to give your explicit consent. In certain cases, we’ll deduce the manifestation of your consent in your actions and the behaviors adopted. All treatments will in any case by compliant to the principles expressed in this privacy policy.

The legal representative will ask ulterior consent, if they will need to use your personal information in ways not specified in this privacy policy.

The website is destined to the viewing of an adult public. In the case the legal representative found out the data of a minor has been recorded without the necessary consent of a parent or a guardian, they will immediately distort and erase the information in its fullness.


Type of data


Data give voluntarily by the user

This information is give through the filing in of the Contact form or through a opt in submitting, explicit and voluntary, of an email to the company. This information is: name, address, email address, telephone number, and all the other personal information given in the communication.


Data gathered by other sources

We can receive personal information from other legitimate sources, including the information coming from available commercial sources, like for example public databases or data and information aggregators by third parties. The type of personal data which we can gather from this sources include: name o denomination, address, email address, tax code, VAT, and other commercial information that are publicly available.


Navigation data

The informatics systems and the software procedures responsible for the operation of this website acquire, in the course of their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the protocols of communication of the internet. This information is not gathered to be associated with specific persons, but by their very own nature, with some elaboration and association with other third party data, lead to the identification of the user.

In this category we can find the IP address and the domain name of the computers used by the visitor who click on the website, the addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time of the visit, the method used to give the server their request, the dimensions of the file acquired, the numerical code indicating the anwer of the data from the server (well executed, error etc) and other parameters relating to the operative system and the informatics environment of the user.

This data are used only to the end of identifying the user and registering some information only in order to carry out the service required. If the user does not give some of the information, it could stop the functionality of the website.



If the user does not give some of the information, it could stop the functionality of the website.

The website employs:

  • session cookies, which usage is not instrumental to the gathering of personal identifying data of the user, it being only limited to the transmission of Fata identifying the session in the form fo numbers automatically generated by the server. The session cookies are not saved in a persistent way on the device of the user and they are automatically erased at the exit of the browser.
  • Third party cookies (for example in the viewing of a video). The company does not have access to the data that are gathered and managed by third parties.
  • Cookie analytics, used to gather information, in aggregated form, on the number of users and how they visit the website.

The information is gathered with the only reason to elaborate anonymous statistical information on the usage of the site and to verify the correct functioning of it; the navigation data may be used to identify the user only in the case this was needed for the assessment of informatics criminal acts. The technical cookies are not used to profile the user.

The user can manage the preferences regarding cookies directly in their own browser and prevent, for example, third parties from installing them. Through the browser settings is also possible to erase the cookies installed in the past, including the cookies in which the old consent to the installation of cookies from the website was given. It is important to specify that, disabling all the cookies, the functionality of this website could be compromised. The user can find information on how to manage cookies in their browser at the following links: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Windows Explorer.

In the case of services carried out by third parties, the user can also excursive their own right in opposing the tracking studying the specific privacy policy of the third party site, through a opt out link if it is explicitly provided or contacting them directly.


Purpose of the treatment of the data gathered

The personal information is gathered for the following purposes and using the specific systems in each section.


Contact form

The user, filling in with their information the the contact form, gives their consent to their employment in order to answer the request for information, for a quotation, or any other request of any nature specified in the contact form itself.



The services of this section let the legal representative monitor and analyze the traffic data and they are used to register the relative preferences. For the statistics the following systems are used.

Google Analytics

Google analytics is a service of web analysis provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google uses personal data gathered for the purpose of tracking and examining the use of this website, compiling reports and sharing them with the other services offered by google. Google may use personal data in order to contextualize and personalize the announcements of their own advertising network.

Personal data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Luogo del trattamento: USA – Privacy Policy – Opt Out

Google AdWords

The conversion monitoring by Google AdWords is the statistics service provided by Google Inc. that links the data coming from the network of announcements Google AdWords with the actions carried out in this application.

Personal data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Place of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy


Visualization of content from external platforms

This services let you visualize content hosted on external platforms directly in the page of this application and to interact with them. In case this service is installed, it is possible that, even if the user does not use the service, this could still gather traffic data from pages in which it is installed. For the visualization of external content the following systems are used.

Google Fonts (Google Inc.)

Google Fonts is a display service of styles of characters managed by Google Inc. which lets this application incorporate these contents in its pages.


Personal data gathered: cookies and usage data.

Place of treatment: Cookie e Dati di utilizzo.

Place of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy


Modes of treatment

The legal representative and the manager treat the personal data gathered with the opportune organizational and technical security measures in order to prevent not authorized access, disclosure, change, loss or distribution.

The treatment will be carried out through informatics or telematic tools, with organizational modes and logics closely tied to the purposes stated. Beyond the legal representative and the manager, other authorized personnel can have access to the date (administrative, sales, marketing, legal, systems administration team) as well as ulterior third parties (like providers of technical services, postal curriers, hosting providers, informatics companies, communication agencies) for the realization of services to the company. They can also be nominated, if necessary, Manager of the treatment by the legal representative. The updated list of managers can be requested to the legal representative.


Places of treatment

The data are treated in the legal and operative headquarters, as well as in any other place where the parties involved are localized. For ulterior information, you can contact the legal representative or the manager.


Processing time

The data are treated for the time necessary for the carrying out of the service required by the user, so for the time required by the purposes described in the privacy policy. The user can request in any moment the interruption of the treatment and the erasure of the data, unless there are laws explicitly forbidding this.


Ulterior informations on the treatment

Defense in court

The personal data of the user can be used by the legal representative in a defense in court or in the preparatory phases of the trial, for abuses of their own or of the services connected carried out by the user. The user declares of being aware that the legal representative can be asked to share the data with public authorities.

Specific information

On request of the user, adding to the information provided by this privacy policy, the legal representative or the manager can provide the user more information and context regarding the specific services, that is the gathering and treatment of personal information.

System Log and Maintenance

Because of necessities tied to functioning and maintenance, this website and the added third party services used may gather some systems logs, which are files that register the interactions and which may contain personal data, for example the user’s IP address.

Informations not included in this privacy policy

Ulterior information regarding the treatment of personal data can be requested at any moment to the legal representative or to the manager of the treatment using the contact form.


Rights of the interested

The user will be able to, at any moment, exercise the following rights:

  1. Access to the personal data
  2. Obtain a correction or erasure of the data or the limitation of the treatment which regards them
  3. Oppose the treatment
  4. To the portability of the data
  5. To revoke the consent when expressed in the past (the withdrawal of the agreement does not change the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent given before the withdrawal)
  6. To propose a complaint to the control authorities (privacy garante)

The exercise of their rights will be carried out through a written request, both in paper or electronic form, to the contact information of the legal representative.

We would like to let you know that this website does not support the requests “do not track”. To know if the eventual third party services to support it, please consult their privacy policies.


Changes to the privacy policy

The legal representative reserves themselves the right to propose changes to this present privacy policy at any time informing the user of these changes on the webpage. We ask you then, to consult this page often, taking as reference the date of the last update, down below.

In the case the user does not want to accept the changes to this privacy policy, the user is required to cease the usage of the site and can request the erasure of their data.

Apart from specifically specified, this privacy policy will continue to be applied to the personal information gathered until now.


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